Wednesday 1 January 2014

Goodbye 2013....Welcome 2014!

Time really flies...

It has been more than 6 months since I commenced my study at UQBS...

I can still remember vividly last year around this time, I was worriedly waiting for an offer from an Aussie was so urgent that I obtained a placement by end of 2012 since my scholarship expired by then....
A lot of things happened but finally here I Brisbane... syukur alhamdulillah...

Looking back, what have been done so far?
According to Anne, "you have done a lot within 6 months"... :)

In short, I have:
1) completed two courses: Accounting for honours/PhD (ACCT 6102) and Applied Econometrics for Microeconomics (ECON3360/7360)...(phew!!!) Alhamdulillah....the ECON paper was not easy...but I made it through.....(semuanya dengan izin Allah..)

2) on 19 July 2013, presented my initial research idea at the  UQBS RHD students colloquium

3) on 4 Dec 2013, presented my research plan before academic staff and a few visiting professors at the PhD pitch

4) read books and articles in understanding the insurance industry, particularly the reserving process while writing up my research document

I have a meeting with my advisory team every two weeks. This strategy has been working effectively in making sure that my research project progress well...thanks to my supervisors...

 I finally got a permanent office somewhere in October 2013, after about 5 months waiting. I took over this desk from Rand Low, a Singaporean student who has been awarded the postgraduate research fellowship upon his PhD completion.

Sitting beside me is Rahmat Shazi, a Malaysian PhD student who is in his final stage of submission of his thesis.

Next up, I have to proceed with my confirmation document and explore the database.. so far, we plan to Boardex and/or risk metrics for the board characteristics and PCS database for the catastrophic losses data. The Boardex and PCS are expensive but UQBS has subscribed for Boardex, so no issue. However the PCS database will cause me USD7,000 (discounted price at 1/3 of standard price).Anne is yet to discuss the financial matter with the respective people. I will just leave this to her...

Enough about my progress...

My family? far my husband and kids are coping well with our new life in Brisbane. I know it is never easy for my husband to stay at home and look after our three little munchkins. Thank you so much for everything Darling....I will never forget your big sacrifice...

So, here comes 2014....
with more stories.... more memories.... more achievements....more improvements....more love....

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